Aptoliv Advance


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Aptoliv Advance is an Unique Liver Detoxifir Enriched With Silymarin.


Each 10ML Contains:

Tricolite Citrate: 1500mg.

Choline Chloride: 100mg.

Silymarin: 50mg.

Vitamin B12: 10mg.

Protien Hydrolysate: 100mg.

Inositol: 75mg.

VitaminE: 25mg.

Biotin: 10mcg.

Methydoners: 10mcg.


Aptoliv Indication

  1. Liver Disorder of Idiopathic Origin.
  2. Anorexia and Debility.
  3. For Over All Growth in Poultry.
  4. Along With Antibiotic Therapy.
  5. Heat-Induced Inappetance.
  6. During Induced Toxicity.
  7. For Fatty Liver And Kidney Syndrome (FLKS).

Direction For Use

To be given daily through drinking water

Poultry: Each 100 Birds

Chicks: 5-7 ML
Growers: 10 ML
Layer: 20 ML

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